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Document type: pdf Size: 101k
AST Academic Supervisor Report – August 2021. Academic Supervisor Report. Purpose To report on the progress of a project for Advanced Specialised Training (AST) and/or a funded Academic Post. Instructions This report is submitted three times for a funded
Document type: pdf Size: 114k
Leave from Training Policy 31/12/2022 Page 1 of 4. LEAVE FROM TRAINING. 1. Purpose. 1.1. The policy defines leave that can be taken whilst on the Fellowship Training Program. 2. Application and scope. 2.1. The policy applies to registrars on the Fellowship
Document type: pdf Size: 654k
Transition plan 1st February 2023. AGPT transition. ACRRM EVGPT Transition Operational Plan. Foreword. ACRRM and EVGPT have worked to co-design this plan for the transition of the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program from EVGPT to ACRRM at the
Document type: pdf Size: 165k
Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia update. January 2023. The first candidates for the Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (DipRGA) will commence this new course in the coming weeks. The diploma is a 12 month qualification developed by the college in
Document type: pdf Size: 342k
C. Advanced Specialised Training Remote Medicine. Curriculum. F E L L O W S H I P. Contact details Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Level 2, 410 Queen Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000 GPO Box 2507, Brisbane, Qld 4001 P: (61) 7 3105 8200 or 1800 223
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course will give an overview of best practice in privacy and cyber security practices.
1.5 Educational activity hours
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1 | P a g e WONCA (World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians) Working Party on Rural Practice. 17th World Rural Health Conference Conference Declaration. Bangladesh 2021. The 17th
Document type: pdf Size: 137k
CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY August 2022. Page 1 of 4. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1. Purpose. To set out the College principles and approaches for ensuring that conflicts of interests associated with College operations are identified, disclosed, and managed in order
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Media release Thursday 2 April 2020. Complacency will cost lives: Rural doctors issue stark warning on COVID-19 While there are very early signs that the curve is beginning to flatten on COVID-19, there is an extraordinarily long way to go - and rural and
Document type: pdf Size: 70k
PESCI Proforma CV Page 1 of 4. PESCI Proforma Curriculum Vitae. PERSONAL INFORMATION. Family name (Surname). Given names. Date of Birth. Gender Male / Female. Home address. Phone (M) (H). Work address. Phone (W) (Fax). Email address. Additional email address.