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Important public health information Queensland Government providing Oseltamivir for influenza outbreaks in residential aged care facilities. The Department of Health is making antiviral medication (Oseltamivir 75 mg and 30 mg). available for use in
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Transition of ACRRM Training Program from Australian General Practice Training by 2023. College Discussion Paper July 2021. Vers. ion. 1.6. Transition of ACRRM Training Program from Australian General Practice Training by 2023 2. Contents. 1. Introduction 3. 1
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1. Terms of Reference (TOR). Steering Committee Quality Equity and Systems Transformation in Primary Health Care (QUEST PHC): Developing and testing a tool to measure quality in Australian general practice. Primary Function The Steering Committee (SC) is
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Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. Audit Template Minimum Standards for small rural hospital emergency departments. Revised December 2019. Mary Jane Streeton 12-12-2019. Page 1 of 21. How to use this Template. This Audit Template is based on the
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General Practice Training Queensland Limited (ACN 100 274 324). (“Company”). Director Nomination Form. 1 Nomination. ……………………………………………………………………. of
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CBD - case notes cover page –January 2023 Page- 1 - of 1. Case Based Discussion - Case note cover page Instructions Please attach a cover page to each set of case notes submitted and upload as individual files in PDF format to your “My College”
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2020 ACRRM. Tuesday 12 May 2020. Rural GPs pay tribute to nursing colleagues on International. Nurses Day. Today, on International Nurses Day, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) gives a shout out to nurses for the integral role they
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TCLTAC – Communique – 19 October 2021 1. Transition to College-Led Training Advisory Committee. Communique – 19 October 2021. The 12th meeting of the Australian Government Department of Health Transition to College-Led Training Advisory Committee (TCLTAC
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Thursday 19 December 2019. Recognising Rural Generalist Medicine as a specialist field. The process of having Rural Generalist Medicine recognised as a specialist field within the speciality of. general practice has taken a significant step forward. The
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TCLTAC – Communique – 8 December 2020 1. Transition to College-Led Training Advisory Committee. Communique - 8 December 2020. The second meeting of the Australian Government Department of Health Transition to College-Led Training Advisory Committee (TCLTAC