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Upcoming price changes to courses and assessments. Upcoming price changes to courses and assessments. Courses. Why is ACRRM increasing course fees? To maintain the high standard of courses ACRRM strives for, the College has invested in the delivery of all face
Article. Reduction in COVI-19 vaccine booster interval. Date Published: Dec 23, 2021. The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recently recommended that the interval at which people become eligible for a booster be reduced to five months
Quality and Safety Council. Quality and Safety Council. About the council. The Quality and Safety Council plays a pivotal role in ensuring the highest standards of healthcare practice in rural and remote Australia. As an essential part of ACRRM’s clinical
Article. ACRRM registrars in a league of their own in meeting key workforce priorities. Date Published: Feb 9, 2023. The release of the 2022 Medical Training Survey this week strongly demonstrates that Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
Article. ACRRM Feedback on Sustainable Healthcare Model. Date Published: Jan 31, 2023. ACRRM has provided feedback to the Australian Commission for Quality and Safety in Health Care on the draft Sustainable Healthcare Module. The College strongly supports the
Article. Rural Generalists and Paramedic Practitioners join forces to strengthen healthcare needs in rural and remote communities. Date Published: Jan 18, 2022. The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and The Australasian College
Article. Maternity services during COVID-19. Date Published: Jul 8, 2020. The Clinical Excellence Queensland Maternity team is interested in understanding you, your colleagues and consumers experiences during the coronavirus period (i.e. after 1 March 2020)
Details. Registrar Committee Deputy Chair (SA). Dr Krishna Bayley. MBBS, ACRRM registrar. About Dr Krishna Bayley. Dr Krishna Bayley was born and raised in rural South Australia and began her ACRRM Fellowship journey in 2022. Krishna completed her hospital
Article. ACRRM Presidential Election signals high engagement in the future of rural and remote medicine. Date Published: Aug 16, 2018. The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) will be holding elections for the position of President this
Article. Expansion of the Rural Procedural Grants Program. Date Published: Mar 2, 2023. This month the College provided advice to the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care (DOHA) regarding its consultation to consider options for streamlining or