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Article. Notification of Cessation of COVID-19 Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Special Arrangements. Date Published: Mar 23, 2023. The Department of Health and Aged Care has advised that the National Health (COVID-19 Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits)
Article. NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into rural health report published. Date Published: May 12, 2022. The New South Wales (NSW) Parliamentary Inquiry Report issued last week documented the repeated testimonies of individuals and families let down by lack of
Article. ACRRM welcomes the appointment of Associate Professor Ruth Stewart as National Rural Health Commissioner. Date Published: Jul 3, 2020. The appointment of Associate Professor Ruth Stewart as the National Rural Health Commissioner will keep the
Article. SPONSORED: The Emergency Medicine Course - Intake two now open for registration. Date Published: May 11, 2023. The Emergency Medicine Course (EMC) is an ideal program for General Practitioners and Rural Generalists who want to enhance their emergency
Article. Enrol in the new Electronic Prescriptions for Prescribers course. Date Published: Jul 22, 2020. Due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements, changes have been made to Commonwealth legislation to recognise electronic prescriptions as a legal form
Article. New telehealth MBS numbers will immediately benefit rural and remote communities. Date Published: Mar 13, 2020. New COVID-19 telehealth items announced today will immediately support rural and remote doctors to provide quality care throughout the
Article. College representative sought for Project Ambassador role - National Asthma Research Agenda. Date Published: Dec 9, 2021. Asthma Australia has invited the College to participate as a project ambassador to develop national research priorities for
Article. College representative for Palliative Care Australia’s Project Working Group. Date Published: Jan 5, 2021. To support health practitioners in their delivery of generalist palliative care, Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is developing a Generalist
Article. ACRRM farewells Heather Allwood after 15 years of service. Date Published: Feb 26, 2020. This week marks the end of an era as we farewell Clinical Guidelines Officer Heather Allwood who has retired from the College after over 15 years of service.
Article. ACRRM calls for investment to attract more students to Rural Generalist careers. Date Published: Apr 4, 2024. To secure the future of a Rural Generalist (RG) profession, ACRRM calls for specific investment to attract rural, remote, and regional