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Document type: pdf Size: 198k
Media release Wednesday 6 May 2020. Don’t let your guard down on COVID-19, rural doctors warn With social distancing restrictions being wound back in some states, rural Australians could be forgiven for thinking that the COVID-19 crisis is over – but
Document type: docx Size: 127k
Statutory Declaration. Statutory Declarations Act 1959. Name Change. This statutory declaration is for the purposes of the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program. This statutory declaration is ONLY for applicants who have differing names on their
Document type: pdf Size: 138k
GP TRAINING TRANSITION UPDATE – July 2021. The Department of Health, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) are working collaboratively to transition the Australian
Document type: pdf Size: 109k
December 2020. Form - Rural Procedural Grants Program. AUSTRALIAN PRIVACY PRINCIPLE 5 NOTIFICATION. The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) are collecting. personal information about you to assess eligibility for payment under the Rural.
Document type: pdf Size: 105k
Page 1 of 2 February 2021 Medical Registration Constraints. Medical Registration Constraints 1. Purpose. 1.1. To describe the process the College follows to determine if a doctor with constraints on medical registration can train, be awarded Fellowship or be
Document type: pdf Size: 1335k
POLICIES UPDATECOLLEGE TRAINING PROGRAM POLICIES. ACRRM has reviewed and developed policies for the College. Training Program to provide clarity and transparency and. facilitate consistent decision making. The updated policies,. effective from 1 July 2020,
Document type: pdf Size: 218k
ORGANISING TELEHEALTH SERVICES IN YOUR PRACTICE. To find out more, visit us online at or call 1800 223 226. This document is intended for general practices, aboriginal health services and primary care services. who are conducting remote
Document type: pdf Size: 210k
Media release Wednesday 13 May 2020. Be super careful, not a super spreader: take small steps to keep rural Australia COVID safe With more state governments talking about opening up travel within and between borders, travellers to rural communities are being
Document type: pdf Size: 466k
GUIDEACRRM REGISTRAR SUPPORT COVID-19 PANDEMIC. FELLOWSHIP. 2APRIL 2020. ACRRM REGISTRAR SUPPORT DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. The College understands the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on all ACRRM registrars and is committed. to ensuring the proper
Document type: pdf Size: 194k
Media release Wednesday 28 October 2020. Be COVID safe now to ensure a ‘normal’ Christmas With only 9 weeks remaining until Christmas, and more COVID restrictions being eased, Australians must stay vigilant about COVID safety now if they are to enjoy a